One question I've seen in numerous places is "why did God make homosexuals?" The question often presumes that (a) homosexuals are "made" that way, so (b) God must have made them that way, so (c) why does He hold that against them?
It's a legitimate question from that point of view. Let's start with the last one first, or at least some form of it. Does God consider homosexuality a sin? Yes. Nave's Topical Bible lists numerous verses for "Sodomy," which is what "Homosexuality" links to. Obviously one of those verses is Genesis 19:5-8, which deals with Lot in Sodom. The men of the town wanted to come in and "know" (in the proverbial "Biblical sense") Lot's visitors, who were angels sent to get Lot and his family to safety before God destroyed the whole place. Other verses include Leviticus 18:22-23; 20:13, 15-16; Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9, and many, many more.
So, if God made them that way, then He's not fair, right? Isn't that the whole point of the question?
Consider this: God made each and every one of us the way we are. We are all sinners in one way or another (Romans 3:23). God didn't so much "make us that way" as He made us with the right and responsibility to choose. Like it or not, we are given the ability to choose whether to follow His commands or not; we are also given the responsibility to choose correctly.
Is God being cruel? Give me a break! If God sent His only Son to die for you (John 3:16-18), why do you think he'd be cruel? Because He doesn't let you do what you want? Actually, He does let you do what you want, even if it's the worst, most stupid thing you could do to yourself. He tells us what to do and what not to do to warn us not to do the stuff that would harm us.
That includes homosexual behavior. In one sense it's not that much different from being "straight." It's not best for me or my wife for me to get the hots for another woman, or to follow through with that desire. Why would it be any different if I had the hots for another man, or she for another woman?
We still keep thinking that there are "heavy" sins and "light" sins, sins that aren't quite as bad as another. Consider this: the whole world was cursed with death simply because Adam ate a fruit from a tree he wasn't allowed to. That's it! How much "lighter" is that than murder? Then again, he murdered himself, his family, and every single person ever to live on this accursed planet! His decision was indirectly responsible for the death of Jesus, the Christ! (Don't give old Adam much grief, though; you and I are just as responsible.)
God "made" homosexuals, perverts, murderers, smugglers, lyers, cheats, theives, politicians ... and you and me. All of us have a choice.
So what choice are you going to make? Are you going to choose the wrong way, and keep damaging yourself and people you may never meet? Or are you going to choose God's way, and surrender your life to Christ? Yeah, you may have to give up some stuff, but it's like giving up poison ... it really is a good idea.