Thursday, January 27, 2011

Unicorns and Atheists

According to some individuals, I must be doing something right, because I'm being "attacked" for my belief in God.

Well, maybe not attacked as much as pestered by some atheists. (Oh, and somebody who appeared to be aligned with Westboro Baptist, but that's another story.)

In one of my recent but rare posts, somebody started to debate, as he has done on Twitter since he found out about me, the truth of the Bible, or the lack thereof. Considering he consistently refers to the Bible as a "storybook" or "fairytales" (the lack of space is his), I think I can discern that he's not going to consider anything I say that might weaken his position.

I'm okay with that.

That in itself is a miracle, since I tend to have very little tolerance for the arrogant, especially when they claim the proverbial "moral high ground" and call me "arrogant." But  that's not the point.

The point is that he compared the Bible to a book about unicorns.

I deleted his comment, because it was drifting too far off of the topic of the host post, and I want this blog to be a safe haven to discuss the Bible and God. I will not accept otherwise. However, I sense that maybe it's time to address a major question that it brings up to me:

What is it with atheists and unicorns?!?

This isn't my first time dealing with an atheist. When I was a supervisor over at WikiAnswers, I chose not to block one irritating "contributor" who always was trolling for a fight. Like this new guy, he threw some stuff from his apparently Catholic upbringing at me and virtually "dared" me to defend it or not. His take on the Bible was that it "couldn't" be right, because it refers to unicorns.

Did you know that unicorns are Biblical? Atheists do, it seems.

Of course, the word "unicorn" probably won't appear in modern translations, but it appears 6 times in the King James Version, specifically in Numbers 23:22, Numbers 24:8, Job 39:9-10, Psalm 29:6, and Psalm 92:10. What these people choose to avoid, of course, is noting that the Hebrew word used there is now better known to refer to a wild bull or ox. They apparently didn't know that in the 17th century, though, so they chose instead to use the word "unicorn."

And that, apparently, is enough to throw the whole thing out. Of course, nobody studies the Bible to update it … never mind that the ESV and NIV both use "wild ox" in place of "unicorn."

The problem is that the atheist sees only what he wants to see, even if it's unicorns in a universe of unchanging ignorance.

The more recent reference to unicorns dealt not with this passage (thank you, sir), but rather with the credibility of the "storybook" known as the Bible. He claims it's no different than saying a book about unicorns is reliable.

So how would you handle this type of situation? Would you study unicorns, or God's Word? How do you support what you believe?

(Oh, and a quick note to the fellow who went off about unicorns: go ahead & post it here. This time it's fair game, even with a closed mind.)

Update: I just found an awesome article from Creation Science Evangelism that explains, even better, why the Bible mentions unicorns. It most certainly educated me; I'm sure it will you, too!
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